I have a name without a title
Eitam, another illegal outpost in Efrat settlement begins construction
Portugal pressures EU over continual illegal Israeli settlement expansionRead more
EU urges Israel to stop illegal settlement expansionRead more
Illegal luxury suburbs for American Jews built in occupied East JerusalemRead more
Beit Sahour's peaceful protest and prayers against the colonialism and illegal settlementsRead more
British Prime Minister Gordan Brown: "Israel's settlements are blockage to peace." Read more
No food aid for Gaza because of continual siegeRead more.
Call: +3265-9856-789
International Law on Occupied Palestinian territories For the Land and the Lord: Jewish fundamentalism in Israel.
Wikipedia has an excellent albeit long article on the Israeli settlements built in the 41-year-old occupied Palestinian West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza Strip since 1967. It claims to be unbiased when it comes to Israel-Palestine to avoid controversy. While claiming to be unbiased, Wikipedia does not view East Jerusalem or West Bank as occupied territories as most of the world does, but views the territories as "partially under Israeli military administration." East Jerusalem is "is incorporated into the Jerusalem municipality and annexed to Israel proper though its not recognized Internationally." The settlements are not even considered illegal and are called villages, cities, towns and neighborhoods. Even the Apartheid or Separation wall is normalized as an indirect security necessity. Israel deserves security given the long history of terrorism and hatred Israelis and the wider Jewish world have experience for centuries. However, building a concrete wall in occupied Palestine that segregates not only Palestinians from their own private land but literally severs them from their towns, cities, livelihoods and families in the name of fighting terrorism and security can not never be justified \ in order to violate ordinary peoples' human rights. There is no mention of the fact that all the settlements are built and constructed on privately owned Palestinian lands ontop of hilltops overlooking Palestinian towns and cities, crisscrossing the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem continual settler violence, Israeli forces demolishing Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem and West Bank, destruction of olive orchards and trees, confiscation of privately owned Palestinian lands for more illegal settlements, the fact that the settlements uses most of the resources of the West Bank and East Jerusalem especially water, arable lands and receiving help from Israeli military when they attack Palestinians and receive little punishment. The continual construction and near completion of the Apartheid Wall snaking in and out of the West Bank separating and Palestinians, towns and cities from one another in East Jerusalem. Turning bordering towns into bantustans and ghettos. The continual construction of new settlements, Israel's insistence to keep its major settlement blocs ringed around occupied East Jerusalem and the near completion of the Apartheid Wall makes a free, Democratic and independent Palestine with its 1967 green line borders in occupied Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem impossible. The emerging popular alternative to independence for Palestine because of the continual Israeli occupation architecture and violence is a single Democratic state for all citizens and return of all 1948, 1967,etc Palestinian refugees to their original homes inside what was once known as historical Palestine as UN Resolution 194 has reinstated for 60 years. All of these consequences are not mentioned because Wikipedia does not want to be unbiased or deal with controversy. To add insult to injury, Wikipedia has also listed articles for the region councils for the settlements! And the regional councils can describe the West Bank as Judea and Samaria or add it as a district of Israel so these councils are normalized and appear to be a natural part of the West Bank and not a contradiction to International Law nor a violation of several UN resolutions.
Evicting Palestinian Bedouins in Negev Israel
In Pictures the illegal Israeli settlements
Israeli Settlement/Colonies Factsheet
The Wall and the eye
A magnum Opus alast controversial book to Israeli policy supporters, "A Civilian Occupation: The Politics of Israeli Architecture" by Eyal Weizmann examines the role of
Israeli architecture, urban design, archaeology and politics in relations to settlements in occupied territories namely West Bank and East Jerusalem where settlements are built
on hilltops and ringed around Palestinian cities and towns. It also questions the role of topography, geography and hilltop constructions of new settlements and "neighborhoods"
that ignores the existence of older and ancient Palestinian cities, towns and orchards but allows for continual expansions and growth of settlers.
Here is a list of websites from Wikipedia articles on settlements and regional councils. Sorry for the long list but thanks to Wikipedia this list was created, the councils also list all the settlements in their jurisdiction. international law states that it is illegal for Israel as an occupying power of Palestinian territories, regardless of government ruling to build settlements and transfer the Israelis into the occupied territories
Israeli settlements
Israeli settlements
Regional councils for illegal settlements and outposts
West Bank settlements:
Mateh Binyamin Regional Council Official site
Shomron Regional Council: Official council site
Karnei Shomron Regional council Official site
Kedumim Nokdim-home to rightwing Israeli politician Avigdor Lieberman official website of Nokdim
Alfei Menashe Alfei Menashe protected by illegal seperation wall
Beit Aryeh-Ofarim Official site
Har Adar local council & settlement official website
official site Midrasha of Shvut Rachel
Gush Etzion Official council site
Ma’ale Adummim Unofficial city site
Beitar Illit Official city site
Ariel settlement) Official site
Hebron settlements:
Har Hebron council Council website
Kiryat Arba Official community site
Eshkolot Official communal site
Sansana Village/settlement website
Shim'a Shim'a Profile on Peace Now
Ma'ale Hever Profile on Amona Settler Movement site
Negohot Official website Negohot profile on Peace Now
Beit Hagai profile on Amona Settler movement site
Beit Yatir, yeshiva settlement official site
Mitzpe Eshtemoa Profile on Peace Now
Mitzpe Yair Mitzpe Yair profile on Peace Now
Jordan Valley settlements:
Bik'at HaYarden Regional Council Official council site
Emek HaYarden Regional Council Council site
Dead Sea settlements:
Megilot Regional Council Council site
Mitzpe Shalem Profile on Jewish Agency for Israel
East Jerusalem settlements:
Protected by separation or Apartheid Wall
Ringed illegal settlements around occupied East Jerusalem
Illegal Ring settlements below: aka “neighborhoods” according to Wikipedia and U.S. media Neve Yaakov
*In case you scrolled to quickly, list created by Aan..
American Jews may break the two-state solution Nof-Zion official Site for Luxury gated community between occupied Silwan & Jabal Al Mukabir
Artitects and Planners for Justice in Palestine-UK
Israeli architects must stop designing illegal settlements
ArcPeace: International Architects Designers Planners for Social Responsibility
In German without subtitles from Discovery channel Deutschland (Germany)
Among the Settlers in Israel/Palestine
Peace Now: 'Natural growth,' Israel's trick for West Bank expansion
By Akiva Eldar- Haaretz Correspondent
17 May 2009
Figures released recently by the Central Bureau of Statistics cast doubt on government officials' claims of housing shortages for young couples living in West Bank settlements - the central argument Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu intends to present to U.S. President Barack Obama against freezing settlement construction.
Figures for 2006-07 reveal that the housing shortage in settlements stems largely from "migration" from Israel proper to communities beyond the Green Line, as well as the addition of new immigrants from abroad.
The data show that in 2007, natural growth accounted for 63 percent of settlement population growth, whereas internal migration accounted for 37 percent. The previous year, they show an addition of roughly 5,600 residents (which accounted for those who arrived minus those who had left) across West Bank settlements. For every 10 residents leaving settlements that year, 15 others arrived.
President Shimon Peres told Obama in their meeting earlier this month that "It is unacceptable that children born in Judea and Samaria will not have a place to live. We can't put them on the roofs." Similar remarks were made to U.S. Mideast envoy George Mitchell when he headed the fact-finding commission examining the causes for the outburst of the Second Intifada. In the report he submitted to then-president George W. Bush in 2001, Mitchell rejected Jerusalem's assertion that Jewish construction in the West Bank was aimed merely at housing natural population growth.
Instead, the commission largely accepted the Palestinian claim that there is no difference between the creation of new settlements and expanding existing ones, and determined that Israel should cease all building in the settlements, even that intended for what Israeli officials described as "natural growth."
That demand was contained in the Road Map, an outgrowth of the Mitchell Report, presented to Israel in 2003. A letter sent from Dov Weisglass, then-prime minister Ariel Sharon's diplomatic adviser, to Bush that same year includes an explicit commitment to freezing settlement building, particularly in those outside the "settlement blocs" or east of the separation fence.
U.S. diplomats said their government rejected the argument that Israel must allow every young couple raised in the settlements to find suitable housing in the West Bank.
The diplomats said they had obtained a copy of a classified Defense Ministry report compiled by IDF Brig. Gen. (Res.) Baruch Spiegel attesting that unauthorized building had occurred at about 75 percent of settlements, and that significant infrastructure projects had been initiated at more than 30 of them - including roads, schools, synagogues, yeshivas and even police stations - on privately-owned Palestinian land.
At a press conference last week, the chair of the Yesha council of West Bank settlements, Danny Dayan, and council secretary Pinhas Wallerstein said every year a "quiet eviction" was taking place in the West Bank of young couples raised in settlements who were unable to find housing there. They said 1,600 young couples of the 2,100 who marry annually are forced to find accommodations outside of the communities in which they grew up. Dayan and Wallerstein called on Netanyahu to change construction policy to allow such young people to erect homes in close proximity to those of their parents.
Most legal analysts around the world, including U.S. State Department jurists, view the construction of settlements in the West Bank as a violation of international law relating to war and conquered territories. The Fourth Geneva Convention prohibits states from moving their own citizens into conquered land.
A response from Peace Now to the remarks made by the Yesha council officials, said the "bluff of natural growth is just one of the tricks the government is using to keep it from fulfilling its obligation to freeze settlement building. It is a shame that the president is perpetuating that lie."
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Settlement expansion seeing biggest boost since 2003
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American Christian Funding Flows To Jewish Settlers
Pundits say: "Land of Israel belong to the Jewish People"
President Nero: National security is more important than obeying International Law
Jerusalem Friendship Fund Jerusalem Prayer Team
Ateret Cohanim Yeshiva
supports continual settlement construction in and around occupied Silwan and Jabel Mukaber in East Jerusalem
AIPAC Christian Friends for Israel UK
One Israel Fund Provides financial and spiritual support to settlers
Amona Settler Movement
West Bank settler outpost that was dismantled during the
Gaza Disengagement, former and current settlers and their supporters seek to rebuild Amona
Golan Height
Site dedicated to Israeli occupied Golan Heights promoting illegal settlements, cities, communities
and normal living and life of Israelis living in "disputed" territory bordering Syria.
Until 1967, Golan was Syrian territory until the IDF defeated Syrian forces during the Six Day War.
Women in Green or Women for Israel's tomorrow
Praises both continual settlement expansion, outposts and occupation
Exposing Islam Mocks Islam and Muslims with slapstick comedy, equates all Muslims with terrorism
Americans for a Safe Israel Ignores the illegality of the occupation and considers Palestinian territories as part of Israel proper.
American Friends of Golan Hebron FundIsrael-financial support for illegal settler community in occupied Hebron
Zionist Federation of Great Britain & Northern Ireland Women's International Zionist Organization
Hadassah, Women's Zionist Organization of America, Inc
Barka Industrial Park
Industrial park located in occupied West Bank next to the illegal Israeli settlement of Barkan.
Manufactures textiles, glassware to plastics. Along with profiting from the occupation, it has been accused of exploiting Palestinian labor.
A few European companies previously located in the illegal industrial park have moved into Israel proper behind his 1967 borders.
International Law forbids occupying powers and their citizens from profitting or operating their businesses on occupied territory.
One Jerusalem Ignores the continual occupation, illegality of settlement expansion & seperation wall and home demoliations in occupied East Jerusalem Torch Magazine
Christian Israel Public Action Campaign
International Christian Embassy Jerusalem/Jerusalem Prayer Team
Jihad Watch
Endorses movies that demonizes the Quran and Islam as a religion and way of life.
Promotes movies, articles and images full of misconceptions and deragatory stereotypes about Islam, Muslims and Quran.
Promotes the idea that Islam is the new nazism and fascism
Yesha & Jordan Valley communities website promoting illegal settlements across the occupied West Bank specifically in Jordan Valley and Hebron
Hasabara-Israeli Reaction Centre
The Ariel Center for Policy Research (ACPR)
Arutz Sheva) Bible Prophecy Today
Search Light Jerusalem
Seeks to "challenge anti-semiticism in the new technology age"
Spanish site on Israel and its relationship to Judiasm
True Peace
Suggests Palestinians are responsible for the current situation in the occupied territories including
the Apartheid/Seperation Wall, and the diasterous situation in occupied Palestine (Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem.) Ignores the occupation entirely instead promotes Israel as liberating
Palestinians and guaranting rights for the occupied territories. Makes no mention to the degrading life military checkpoints pose for ordinary people.
Buffalo Israel
Not only promotes Israel but views Islam as violennce ridden that can only change through Democraticization.
Zionist Jewish Education
From Jewish Agency for Israel originally named the Jewish agency for Palestine (before 1948)
JewishVengeanceAnother Kahanist website
Blue Star Public Relations
Christian Broadcasting Network-700 Club
Family Research Council/Council for National Policy
il Carriere della Sera/Oriana Fallaci
Eye on UN
Chides the UN for trying to implent UN resolutions in Palestine-Israel and
guaranting human rights for occupied territories across the Middle East, Latin America, Africa, etc
Urban Dictionary Anne Coulter as a political "incorrect" curse word
PR site showcasting Israel at 60 and country throughout the decades
Media & Architects of Fear